Inspired by Home & Family’s Winterfest decorations, Orly Shani shows you how to make DIY textured vases.


  • Square Vases
  • Low Temp Hot Glue
  • Spray Paint
  • Black Marker
  • Paint Brush
DIY Textured Vases - Home & Family


1. The first thing you want to do is create your pattern. You can print out designs or draw them yourself.

2. Take your pattern/template & tape it to the inside of your vase

3. Then take your low temperature hot glue & follow along your pattern on the outside of the vase

4. One the hot glue is on you’re going to remove the pattern/template

5. It’s now time to spray paint your vase the color of your choice

6. Let the spray paint dry

7. If you choose to go in & highlight the design with some accent color, all you’re going to do is dip your paint brush into some paint & lightly dab the color onto the hot glue details

8. Put some flowers in & you’re good to go!

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