DIY Succulent Pumpkin Centerpieces
Gardenings, Succulents, Plant Care
Seasonal Event:
- Leave on the stem of the pumpkin or remove it with garden prunners.
- Glue moss on top of pumpkin (the key to a long lasting pumpkin succulent is to not carve out the inside of the pumpkins, the succulents develop new roots with the help of the moss).
- Place tacky gel glue on top of the Cinderella Pumpkin in a circular motion.
- Apply the sphagnum moss, also called green moss on top of the tacky gel glue approximately ¼-½" thick.
- Remove the succulents from the nursery containers.
- Cut the succulents and remove the roots and soil, leaving ¼" stem.
- Select a large succulent for the main focal point and place just slightly off center on the pumpkin and adhere with the tack gel glue.
- Ad the remaining succulents using a basic design principal of 'odd numbers.' Example: groups of three. The Succulents placed close to the edge of the pumpkin should be adhered with hot glue.
- Add the pods or other embellishments with hot glue.
- Water the arrangement after one week from creating it, then weekly.
- Wipe off any moisture collected from the bottom of pumpkin. Best to place a trivet for good air circulation.
- Keep indoors for 1-2 weeks at a time depending on weather conditions.
- Best in a covered patio or indoors with a bright light.
Get more tips and products from Cindy Davidson at thesucculentperch.com.
And, make sure you follow Cindy on Facebook at www.facebook.com/thesucculentperch.
To buy succulents online, visit www.gardenlife.com.