
DIY Succulent Pumpkin Centerpieces

Learn how to make succulent pumpkin centerpieces that can double as a party favor for guests.
DIY Succulent Pumpkin Centerpieces
Gardenings, Succulents, Plant Care
Seasonal Event:


  1. Leave on the stem of the pumpkin or remove it with garden prunners.
  2. Glue moss on top of pumpkin (the key to a long lasting pumpkin succulent is to not carve out the inside of the pumpkins, the succulents develop new roots with the help of the moss).
  3. Place tacky gel glue on top of the Cinderella Pumpkin in a circular motion.
  4. Apply the sphagnum moss, also called green moss on top of the tacky gel glue approximately ¼-½" thick.
  5. Remove the succulents from the nursery containers.
  6. Cut the succulents and remove the roots and soil, leaving ¼" stem.
  7. Select a large succulent for the main focal point and place just slightly off center on the pumpkin and adhere with the tack gel glue.
  8. Ad the remaining succulents using a basic design principal of 'odd numbers.' Example: groups of three. The Succulents placed close to the edge of the pumpkin should be adhered with hot glue.
  9. Add the pods or other embellishments with hot glue.


  1. Water the arrangement after one week from creating it, then weekly.
  2. Wipe off any moisture collected from the bottom of pumpkin. Best to place a trivet for good air circulation.
  3. Keep indoors for 1-2 weeks at a time depending on weather conditions.
  4. Best in a covered patio or indoors with a bright light.

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