- Soap dispenser
- Clear or light color liquid soap
- Photo
- Scissors
- X-acto knife
- Laminator
- Plastic beads
- *Optional: Laser printer and transparency paper
1. Remove all labels and stickers from bottle.
2. Start with empty bottle and add embellishments.
3. Use a funnel and liquid soap to fill the soap bottle approximately 75%.
4. Cut out your image with an X-acto knife and remove any excess background.
5. Laminate image.
6. Cut laminated image and keep in mind you might want to leave extra room on the top or sides to allow the picture to sit/float and not move around too much.
7. Roll up image slightly and slip into soap bottle.
8. Use tweezers or chopsticks to move or adjust photo.
9. Fill up the rest of the bottle with soap.
10. *OPTIONAL: add more beads/embellishments.
11. Place top on.
12. Enjoy and wash your hands!