- 3” styrofoam ball
- 2” styrofoam ball
- White knew sock
- Floral wire
- Bailing wire
- Orange felt
- Mini-brown pom poms
- Feathers
- Faux fur
- Embellishments
DIY Snow Birds - Home & Family
1. Slide balls inside of sock
2. Use floral wire to tie of sock above and below balls
3. Cut off excess sock
4. Twist three 4” pieces of bailing wire together, leaving bottom 1” untwisted
5. Bend wire at transition from twisted to non-twisted
6. Insert twisted end into larger ball for legs
7. Cut triangle out of orange felt for beak, attach with hot glue curving a bit while attaching.
8. Attach Pom poms as eyes
9. Attach feathers on the sides for wings.
10. Use fur and embellishments to create hats, scarves or ear muffs as desired.