Ken Wingard is making the perfect photo display using picture frames, plywood and wooden poles.


  • 16 – Frames (or however many pictures you are using)
  • Wood letters spelling BELIEVE
  • Red spray paint (or desired color)
  • Spray adhesive
  • Silver leaf
  • 3 x 1.5 ft Plywood
  • Adhesive numbers
  • Dry brush
  • 2 in. wood blocks
  • 1 in. wood blocks
  • 1 in. screws
  • 7 - 3.5 in. gold screws
  • evergreen for decor
  • hot glue
  • french cleats or hanging wire


1. Spray paint frames red and let them dry
2. Spray frames with spray adhesive
3. Gently lay silver leaf onto the glue and pull excess
4. Continue until frame is covered
5. Use dry brush to brush away any extra leaf
6. Add adhesive numbers for the years
7. Add photo into frames

For Plywood and Letters:

1. Paint plywood red (or desired color) and let dry
2. Paint wood letters and let dry
3. Center/align letters to plywood as desired
4. Trace letters onto plywood
5. Mark points for placement of screws on plywood and on back of letters
6. Drill 3.5 in gold screws into plywood on marked points
7. Drill 1in indentions in the back of letters

For Display:

1. Attach frames to plywood by gluing them onto 2 in. / 1 in. wood blocks
2. Use various sizes of wood blocks to create different levels
3. Screw wood blocks into plywood for extra security
4. Glue evergreen around gold screws
5. Glue BELIEVE letters onto gold screws

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