- (1) 18” Round
- (2) 12” 2x2
- (2) 30” 2x2
- (2) 28” 2x2
- (2) 66” 2x2
- (5) 36” 1x10
- (4) 1” L Brackets
- 2 ½ inch drywall screws
- 1 ½ inch drywall screws
- Wood Glue
For the Base:
1. Take three 1x10 and lay flat. Take two 28” 2x2’s and lay perpendicular to the 1x10s. Space the 1x10s 1 inch apart.
2. Measure 8” in from both sides of the 1x10. Secure the 2x2s with wood glue and then drywall screws
For the Sides:
1. Take one 1x10 and lay flat. Take one 12” 2x2 and one 30” 2x2 and lay perpendicular on the wood.
2. Measure 8” in from each side of the 1x10 and secure the 2x2s with wood glue and drywall screws.
3. Repeat for other side.
For the Handles:
1. Take the two 66” 2x2 and measure 19” out from the base 2x2s and 7” in.
2. Secure the handles there with drywall screws so the handles will pivot
3. Pivot the handles in so they are touching in the front
4. Find the center of the base and the center of the 18” wheel
5. Secure the wheel to the handles with 1” L brackets
6. Secure the handles to the front 2x2s with drywall screws
7. Decorate!