DIY Oversized Ornaments
Home Decor, Christmas Decor
- Plastic Bowls
- Plastic Margarita Glasses
- Large Plastic Ball
- Super-Glue
- Chrome Spray Paint
- Anodized Automotive Paint
- PVC Pipe or Shower Rings
- Large S-Hooks
- Layout items to be used to for your ornament. Identify bottom piece.
- Work from the bottom up and use superglue to connect elements for your ornament.
- Create topper by supergluing ½ inch and ¼ inch pieces of PVC pipe, or plastic shower rings together. Glue topper to ornament. Allow glue to dry for 1- hour.
- In a well-ventilated area, spray-paint entire ornament with chrome or silver paint. Allow to dry for 10 minutes.
- Spray paint entire ornament (excluding the topper) with 3 to 4 coats of anodized automotive paint in your choice of color. Allow 10 minutes for drying between coats.
- Once fully dry, slip S hook or craft-wire through the hole in the topper, and hang your ornament from your porch or your favorite tree!