
DIY Outdoor Solar Chandelier

Orly Shani has a stylish DIY that runs on solar power.


  • Used chandelier
  • Wire cutters
  • Wrench
  • Painters Tape
  • Solar lights
  • Industrial glue

DIY Outdoor Solar Chandelier - Home & Family


1. Remove all glass and light bulbs from your chandelier.

2. Carefully disassemble the pieces of your chandelier and set them aside.

3. Using wire cutters, remove any existing wiring.

4. Disassemble solar lights, remove glass and solar panel

5. Tape over solar panel with painters tape

6. Optional: Cut pieces of stake to size if needed to attach to chandlier

7. Spray paint all pieces to match chandelier (or paint entire chandelier)

8. Attach top portion of a solar light and attach it to your chandelier using industrial strength
glue to set the light in place.

9. Once dried, hang your chandelier outside and enjoy.

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