Cozy up during the winter with Orly Shani's DIY Beanie inspired by the new Hallmark Channel movie “Love on Iceland.”


  • Beanies with smooth surface, no chunky knit
  • Fabric paint
  • Flat edge artist brush or stencil
  • Rhinestones with flat bottom
  • Gem-Tac
  • Jewel picker or bamboo skewer
  • Chalk or removable fabric marker


1. You want to paint the initials on first. Draw them out with some chalk or removable fabric marker. Use a flat edge brush to dab paint onto the beanie following your lines. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly before the next step.

PRO TIP: You can use a stencil and stencil brush if you don’t want to hand draw the initials.

2. Apply a line of Gem-Tac to the first letter and use the jewel picker to place jewels all along the letter. After you’ve placed them, make sure the spacing of the jewels is how you like it before the glue dries, slide them closer and add more jewels where necessary.

PRO TIP: Apply glue to one letter at a time so it doesn’t dry before you lay the rhinestones. Use a bamboo skewer with a little glue on the end if you don’t have a jewel picker.

3. Allow the glue to dry for at least 6 hours before wearing and enjoy!

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