DIY expert Lynn Lilly has a fun and creative way to incorporate marbling into your home décor.


  • Marbling Medium
  • Wood tabletop
  • Craft acrylic paint in desired color
  • Wastebasket
  • Staple gun or industrial glue
  • Optional: gloves
  • Optional: Epoxy resin or mod podge
DIY Marble Side Table - Home & Family

1. Mix desired acrylic paint colors with marble mediums.

2. Optional: put gloves on before marbling tabletop.

3. Pour paint colors one at a time over tabletop.

4. Tilt tabletop piece until fully covered.

5. Let dry 24 hrs.

6. Optional: Add epoxy resin or mod podge as sealer.

7. Using industrial glue or staple gun, attach tabletop to bottom of wastebasket.

8. Flip over.

9. Enjoy your new side table!

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