Maria Provenzano is turning an old birdcage into a new wedding guest book for your wedding.


  • Decorative Bird Cage
  • Spray paint
  • Scissors
  • Paper lace doilies
  • Scrapbook paper
  • Glue
  • Ribbons or other decorative embellishments
  • Note cards
  • Colored pens
DIY Love Note Birdcage - Home & Family


1. Stack two dollies over each other
2. Use the scissors to cut the doily into a spiral all the way to the center of the circle
3. While you are cutting, move the scissors up and down to cut a wavy line instead of a straight line
4. Starting from the outside of the doily (where you initially starting cutting) start rolling the doily over itself; this is similar to creating a cone shape because you want the inside to become lower and the outside layers to be higher
5. Add some hot glue as you roll to ensure the flower will not come apart
6. Continue until the flower is created


1. Cut the paper into a circle
2. Using scissors, cut the paper into a spiral to the center of the circle
3. While cutting, move the scissors up and down to cut a wavy instead of a straight line
4. Starting from the outside of the circle (where you initially starting cutting) roll the paper over itself; (similar to making a cone shape, keeping inside lower and the outside layers higher
5. Add a daub of hot glue as you roll, to hold flower together
6. Continue until the flower is created


7. Create note cards in any shape you like and display with colored pens

TIP: Use two doilies to add extra depth
TIP: For extra color, lightly spray paint the tips of the flowers
TIP: For a flowery effect, cut a wavy instead of a straight line
TIP: Pinking shears can be used for a wavy line

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