Ken Wingard and Maria Provenzano team up to take lemonade stands to the next level.


  • Wagon
  • Apple crates
  • Double sided hook and loop Velcro tape roll
  • 1” x 2” wood cut to 48”
  • White duck canvas cut to 13” x 39” or appropriate size for wagon + seam allowance
  • ¼” plywood
  • Craft wood circles to size of wagon hubcaps
  • 1” fornstner bit
  • Spray paint in yellow and light yellow
  • White exterior paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Black paint pen
  • White felt
  • Fabric scissors
  • Pencil
  • Staple gun with ¼” staples
  • Jigsaw
  • Sandpaper
  • Measuring tape


  • Stain
  • Rags
  • Paint to match wagon
DIY Lemonade Wagon


  1. If staining the 1” x 3” posts, do so now. Set aside to dry.
  2. Measure your wagon to determine appropriate measurements for the lemon wedge and sign.
  3. Draw out then cut the lemon wedge shape with a jigsaw. Sand any rough edges.
  4. Drill the 1” hole into the craft wood circles that will become the lemon hubcaps. Mark the placement of the air valve on the wheel then drill.
  5. Paint the base color for the lemon wedge and hubcap. Do a base of darker yellow, then mist in the center with the lighter color. Set aside to dry.
  6. Paint the crates to match the wagon if desired.
  7. Cut the canvas to size then iron the seams to create a clean hem. Secure with glue.
  8. Add the lettering. Draw out in pencil then paint over with yellow fabric paint. Once dry, outline with black paint pen. Set aside to dry. PRO TIP: If you’re not comfortable free handing, use a stencil.
  9. Paint the white sections of the lemon onto the hubcaps and wedge.
  10. Create felt seeds for the lemons. Draw then cut out smaller for the hubcap and large for the wedge.
  11. Glue the seeds onto the lemons.
  12. Cut sections of the double-sided Velcro tape.
  13. Use a staple gun to attach one side of each Velcro strip to the wood, then adhere the other to the desired place on the wagon or wheels.
  14. Use a staple gun to attach the canvas sign to the 1” x 3” posts.
  15. Place the crates in the wagon toward the back so there is no gap.
  16. Attach the lemon to the front of the wagon with the Velcro strips then the hubcaps to the wheels as well.
  17. Place each leg of the sign into the front corners of the wagon, secure in place with Velcro.
  18. Get your lemonade set up and enjoy!
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