Ali Fedotowsky-Manno is making gift boxes that will come in handy for the holidays.
- Paper rolls
- Wrapping paper
- Embellishments
- Mod Podge
- X-Acto knife
- First, you’re going to need to cut your roll into 3 pieces. First a bigger piece for the base, a smaller piece for the lid, and en even smaller piece for your lip that you’ll need later
- Next, it’s time to get your wrapping paper onto the roll. Cut your wrapping paper about an inch bigger on the top & bottom from your roll, this way you’ll have enough room to tuck it in later.
- You’re just going to mod podge your wrapping paper onto the roll
- When it comes to the edges, just make a couple snips & bend them into the roll & secure them down with mod podge
- Do steps 2-4 for the lid & the base
- Then take your lip piece & stick it into the top of your base piece. Make sure it’s sticking out a little bit, this way your lid has something to click on to
- You’ll also need to seal up your base & lid so that nothing falls out. Just cut a piece of wrapping paper, mod podge it, & then place your roll on top. Using an x-acto knife clean off the excess wrapping paper
- Decorate with whatever embellishments you have or prefer!
- Cut your roll to the size you prefer
- Mod podge your wrapping paper to the roll
- Take your x-acto knife & clean up the edges
- Then you’re going to take your x-acto knife & score the lines where you want it to bend in
- Once you’ve scored the sides just push the 2 sides in to create your flaps
- Decorate with ribbon or whatever embellishments you’d like!