Ken Wingard has a DIY gift inspired by the movie “A Homecoming for the Holidays” that will literally warm our hearts.


  • Fabric, plaid or another cozy pattern
  • Felt
  • Buttons
  • Flaxseed whole grain, NOT ground
  • Fabric scissors
  • Straight pins
  • Sewing machine
  • Fabri-Tac
  • Needle and thread
  • Paper for pattern
  • Tape
  • Marker and chalk
  • Flaxseed


1. Tape together two pieces of paper on the long edge and draw half of a heart, then cut it out. This is your pattern. You will fold it on the half to use.

2. Take two pieces of fabric, fold them in half and then into fourths trace the half pattern onto your fabric with chalk. Cut the heart shape out with your fabric scissors.

3. Pin the two pieces of fabric together with the wrong sides of the fabric face to face and the right side of the fabric facing outward.

4. Sew the pieces together with ½” of seam allowance. Leave a gap unsewn for an opening to fill the pillow.

5. Cut an envelope shape out of the felt, this should look like a rectangle with a triangle at the top. Double the height you want the envelope to be to get the height of your rectangle. The size depends on the size of your pillow.

6. Fold the rectangle in half so that the corners meet at the bottom of the triangle. Pin the sides and sew them up. Stitch all around the edge of the triangle and envelope for a decorative element.

7. Cut a slit into the top flap of the envelope and hand sew a button onto the body of the envelope so that you can close it up!

8. Glue the Envelope to the front of the heart with Fabri-Tac.

9. Fill the heart with flax seed by funneling it in, you can just make a funnel out of a piece of paper if you don’t have one.

10. Stitch the opening closed.

11. Write a sweet note for your loved one before you gift, put it in the envelope and warm some hearts!

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