Maria Provenzano is making Valentine's Day decor out of foam core and faux florals.


  • Foam core
  • X-acto knife
  • Hot glue
  • Faux florals
  • Scissors
  • Dowel
  • Gold paint
  • Paint brush
  • Glitter
  • Fishing Wire
  • Foam Sheet
  • (*Optional) Embroidery Hoop
DIY Faux Floral Heart - Home & Family


1. Trace heart shape on foam core.

(Tip: use an embroidery hoop to help create the perfect shape arches)

2. Cut out heart shape using X-acto knife.

3. Remove faux florals from stems.

4. Trim the leftover stem piece, be careful not to cut it too close or the petals will fall apart.

5. Using hot glue, add flowers to foam core heart.

6. Paint two dowels with gold paint and add glitter. Let dry.

7. Cut out arrow pieces from foam core and attach to dowel with hot glue.

8. Hot glue arrow piece to each side of heart.

9. Use an X-acto knife or another sharp object and cut two holes.

10. Use fishing wire or decorative ribbon and hang floral heart.

11. Enjoy!

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