- Wood logs
- Chalk
- Dowels
- Drill
- Wood glue
- Frostner drill bit
- Votives
- Votive candles or Battery-Operated Tea Lights
1. Stack wood logs the way you want them to sit.
*Tip: Make sure your wood logs fit in your fireplace, are fully round, and have attractive bark.
2. Use chalk to mark where the top and bottom of two wood logs meet.
3. Drill a hole in the areas you marked.
4. Use a dowel to connect the two pieces of wood.
*Tip: You can use any size dowel as long as it is the same size as the drill bit you use to drill the holes. We used ⅜ inch dowel and drill bit.
5. Use wood glue to secure (do not use flammable glue)
6. Once you have all of your wood logs stacked and attached, mark where you want your votives to sit.
7. Use a forstner bit to create holes in the wood where the votives will sit.
8. Place votives with votive candles or battery-operated tea lights in the holes.
9. Light up and enjoy!