DIY Fall Games for Kids
Seasonal Event:
Materials for DIY Pumpkin Golf
- Fake carve-able pumpkins
- X-acto knife
- Gourds
- Putting mat
- PVC pipe
- Putters
Materials for Butternut Squash Bowling
- About 10 Butternut squash
- Red masking tape or red gaff tape
- Mini pumpkin (for bowling ball)
Directions for Pumpkin Golf
- Lay down your putting mat.
- Create your pumpkin obstacles with your carve-able pumpkins. Using your x-acto knife cut out the bottom of your pumpkin. Then cut whatever design you prefer for the ball to go through.
- Place your pumpkin obstacles on top of putting mat.
- Then finish off with gourds any additional obstacles you prefer to set on the putting mat.
Directions for Butternut Squash Bowling
- Take your red tape & wrap around the top of the butternut squash & another piece slightly below to get the bowling pin look.
- Set them up in the shape of a triangle.
- Take your mini pumpkin & shave the stem off to use as a bowling ball.
- Bowl away!