- Wax silicone mold with hole for hanging (available on Amazon)
- Essential oils
- Soy wax flakes
- Dried flowers or dried fruits
- Double boiler
1. Measure about 3 cups of wax flakes in a measuring cup, and dump into a pot.
2. Fill up a second separate pot of water and bring to a boil.
3. Place the pot with wax into the other pot of boiling water (double broiler style) and stir occasionally, allowing wax to completely melt.
4. Measure 1 cup of melted wax in a separate measuring cup. Add fragrance oil. Use about 50 drops of essential oil for every 1 cup of melted wax.
5. Stir thoroughly.
6. Pour into molds, about 1/2″ deep.
7. Let the wax sit for about 2-3 minutes and slightly cool. I like to add the dried flowers when a slightly cooled layer has formed on the top, so that the dried flowers sit more on top of the sachet and don’t sink down into the middle of the wax.
8. Let cool and harden completely. Put in refrigerator to speed hardening process.
9. Gently pop each sachet out of the mold and shake off excess florals.
10. Cut a long ribbon, insert through the hole. Tie once at the bottom (near top of the sachet) to keep secure.
11. Gift, hang, enjoy!