- Bench
- Rubber Mallet
- White Paint
- Paint Brush
- Pliers
- Jeans
- Sewing Machine
- Measuring Tape
- Scissors
- Needle/Thread
- Push Pins
DIY Blue Jean Bench - Home & Family
- Flip bench upside down, then take rubber mallet hit base to remove cushion.
- Pull out existing nails using pliers or hammer nails in.
- Measure base of the cushion.
- Sand bench.
- White wash base using watered down paint.
- Wipe excess paint with rag.
Sewing: (Be sure and measure cushion prior to sewing)
- Cut waist off jeans.
- Cut jeans in square pieces.
- Sew together pieces into a row.
- Cover cushion and use staple gun on underside to secure in place.
- Secure cushion back onto base using nail gun.
Be sure to visit Orly & Paige at @OrlyShani and @PaigeHemmis