

  • Bench
  • Rubber Mallet
  • White Paint
  • Paint Brush
  • Pliers 
  • Jeans
  • Sewing Machine
  • Measuring Tape
  • Scissors
  • Needle/Thread
  • Push Pins
DIY Blue Jean Bench - Home & Family


  1. Flip bench upside down, then take rubber mallet hit base to remove cushion.
  2. Pull out existing nails using pliers or hammer nails in.
  3. Measure base of the cushion.
  4. Sand bench.
  5. White wash base using watered down paint.
  6. Wipe excess paint with rag.

Sewing: (Be sure and measure cushion prior to sewing)

  1. Cut waist off jeans.
  2. Cut jeans in square pieces.
  3. Sew together pieces into a row.
  4. Cover cushion and use staple gun on underside to secure in place.
  5. Secure cushion back onto base using nail gun.

Be sure to visit Orly & Paige at @OrlyShani and @PaigeHemmis

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