
David Walrod’s Succulent Plant Holiday Decorations: Presented by Urban Dirt!


  • Tree, Wreath, Sphere, Frame, Teddy Bear Moss Form ($12 to $20)
  • 5 gallon, bucket, tub or sink basin
  • Floral Greening Pins (bulk 600 ct @ $8)
  • Chopsticks
  • Jade, Sedum, Echeveria Succulent Cuttings (varies depending on source)

1. Collected from private crop or neighbor’s
2. Purchase larger size plants from nursery

Extras: several 2" inch thumb pot sized succulents (count depends on guest list)
- Battery operated mini L.E.D lights ($5)
- 2" truffle boxes (3 for $.99) - Recycled ribbon - Miniature toys (99 cent store!) - Mini tree skirt (cloth napkin or wrapping paper) Steps:

1. Take approximately 150 cuttings couple days prior to assembly allowing wound to callous over

2. Fill 5 gallon basin with tap water

3. Submerge moss form for 10 to 15 minutes

4. Insert chopstick 1" to 2" deep into form at your decided starting point, twisting chopstick a bit to make a clean opening for cutting

5. Insert cutting

6. Secure with floral greening pin

7. Alternate / pattern plant colors for interest
How Much Do These Material Cost, And Where Can We Get Them?
**Plant and assembly materials found at California Cactus Center (Pasadena, California)
How Do We Care For Them, And How Long Will They Last?
Plant Care
1. Should receive 4 to 6 hours of full to filtered sun daily (to prevent “leggy-ness”)
2. Soak or gently shower form once a week, twice a week+ in summer
3. Can be pinch pruned and filled in with new growth as needed.) Forms can be temporarily brought into low light conditions for display!

Get more garden tips from David here:

How to Start a Garden
How to Start a Garden