
Cristina’s Tips for Holiday Handwritten Cards

It’s estimated that Americans will write and send 1.6 billion holiday cards this year. Hallmark has so many different types of cards to offer.

Cristina offers advice on Proper Handwritten Holiday Card Etiquette:

Writing to family and friends:
Personalize your cards with a little note, and always sign the card, even if your name is printed; it’s more personal. And keep your signature informal – no courtesy titles, and to close friends and relatives, no last names, either.

Sending cards to business or work relationships:
When sending to a co-worker in your own office, address it to “Mr. and Mrs.” if the recipient is married. Sign only your name to a card for a business associate, unless your spouse has met the recipient.

How to include those from a different tradition or ethnic background:
When sending a card to someone of a different tradition or ethnic background, choose a card with a secular design and sentiment, such as “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greetings.” Or those with general good wishes or wishes for peace. As an alternative, send a Thanksgiving or New Year’s card instead. Hallmark offers many options for these holidays, as well.

General card sending advice:
Get a jump on the season by choosing cards early and writing a few each day, and save yourself holiday hassles by mailing early. Any time after Thanksgiving and before New Year’s Day is appropriate for sending out cards. Mail cards first class so they will be forwarded or returned to you if the address cannot be located. If you send it by regular mail and the address can’t be located, even if you put a return address, the letter will be lost.

Hallmark holiday cards are available in Gold Crown stores now and go to to personalize your cards!

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