
Cristina Crafts: Faux Mercury Glass Vases


  • 1 Pair Latex/Rubber Gloves
  • 1 Protective Mask For Fumes
  • 1 Spray Bottle Full Of Water
  • 1 Bottle (8 Oz.) Premium Original Chrome Metallic Spray Paint
  • Clear Glass Vase (Recycled Or New)
  • Clean Rag
  • Craft Paper Or Newspaper To Cover Work Area
  • Water To Fill Inside Of Vase
  • Bouquet Of Mom's Favorite Flowers

Method #1 Steps:

  1. Start with a clean vase and set on top of flat work space covered with craft paper or newspaper.
  2. Lightly spray water around vase.
  3. Shake can of chrome spray paint vigorously.
  4. Hold can of chrome spray paint about 8-10 inches from outside of vase and spray in a sweeping motion around vase, from top to bottom. (You will see a chemical reaction of the water and spray paint separating, creating a crackle effect. This is the effect you want.)
  5. Let set for about 5-10 minutes, then go back and gently wipe around vase with a clean rag.
  6. Let vase dry completely for about 2 hours.
  7. Fill vase with water and flowers.

Method #2 Steps:

  1. Start with a clean vase and set on top of flat work space covered with craft paper or newspaper.
  2. Shake can of chrome spray paint vigorously.
  3. Spray a lot of water around vase. You will want to oversaturate with water.
  4. Hold can of chrome spray paint about 8-10 inches from outside of vase and spray in a sweeping motion around vase, from top to bottom. (You will see a chemical reaction of the water and spray paint separating, creating a crackle effect. This is the effect you want.)
  5. Let set for about 5-10 minutes. Can spray another layer if desired.
  6. Fill vase with water and flowers.

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