- 1 Pair Latex/Rubber Gloves
- 1 Protective Mask For Fumes
- 1 Spray Bottle Full Of Water
- 1 Bottle (8 Oz.) Premium Original Chrome Metallic Spray Paint
- Clear Glass Vase (Recycled Or New)
- Clean Rag
- Craft Paper Or Newspaper To Cover Work Area
- Water To Fill Inside Of Vase
- Bouquet Of Mom's Favorite Flowers
Method #1 Steps:
- Start with a clean vase and set on top of flat work space covered with craft paper or newspaper.
- Lightly spray water around vase.
- Shake can of chrome spray paint vigorously.
- Hold can of chrome spray paint about 8-10 inches from outside of vase and spray in a sweeping motion around vase, from top to bottom. (You will see a chemical reaction of the water and spray paint separating, creating a crackle effect. This is the effect you want.)
- Let set for about 5-10 minutes, then go back and gently wipe around vase with a clean rag.
- Let vase dry completely for about 2 hours.
- Fill vase with water and flowers.
Method #2 Steps:
- Start with a clean vase and set on top of flat work space covered with craft paper or newspaper.
- Shake can of chrome spray paint vigorously.
- Spray a lot of water around vase. You will want to oversaturate with water.
- Hold can of chrome spray paint about 8-10 inches from outside of vase and spray in a sweeping motion around vase, from top to bottom. (You will see a chemical reaction of the water and spray paint separating, creating a crackle effect. This is the effect you want.)
- Let set for about 5-10 minutes. Can spray another layer if desired.
- Fill vase with water and flowers.
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