
Cristina Crafts: Fabric Transfers


  • Citrisolv
  • Fabric, such as flour sack dishtowels or linen napkins
  • Copied image
  • Paintbrush
  • Spoon
  • Tape
  • Iron
  • Towel

The images must be printed with a printer that uses toner ink. If you don't have one at home, you can have copies made at your local copy shop.
When you are brushing on the citrisolv, you just need a thin layer. Too much will cause the ink to blur. When you've finished, machine-wash the fabric to remove the traces of citrisolv. The tighter the weave on the fabric you are transferring to, the better your transfer will be. Transfer:

  1. Lay your fabric out. The surface shouldn't be too hard, so the fabric should be laid out on newspaper or a towel.
  2. Put your image face down on the fabric and tape it into place.
  3. Pour a small amount of citrisolv into a bowl.
  4. Dip the brush into the citrisolv and wipe over the image until you can see it.
  5. Rub the entire image with the back of a spoon. This should only take about 20-30 seconds and you don't need to use a lot of pressure. Medium pressure is fine and make sure you burnish the entire image.
  6. When you've finished burnishing, carefully lift the copy off the fabric.
  7. Once the image is on the fabric, your last step is to set the image with heat. Place a towel over your ironing board and set your iron to the cotton setting. Iron over the image to heat set it.


  • Another easy way to bring some custom ambiance into your home is with these ladle candle sconces. Simply take a piece of wood, attach a ladle to it by the handle using glue and rest a candle in the ladle.
Cristina Crafts-Fabric Transfers

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