Paige Hemmis is helping you countdown to Christmas with this fun DIY.


  • A medium-sized rectangular planter box
  • 3” wood blocks (you will need 5 total)
  • 2.5” self-adhesive vinyl numbers
  • Small wood plaque
  • Printer
  • Glue stick (or glue dots, etc.)
  • Scissors
  • Red acrylic paint
  • Green acrylic paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Christmas Characters (I’m using Santa and a snow man)
  • Hot glue
  • Glue sticks
DIY Countdown to Christmas - Home & Family


*Make sure that your planter can fit your 3" blocks

1. Turn the plant on its side, so that the open part is facing you.
(This will be the base of the Countown Calendar)
2. Using green paint, apply a dry technique to the top and sides of your planter
(Set aside to dry)
3. Paint your blocks red, all around
(Set aside to dry)
4. Print out a little sign that reads "Christmas Countdown"
(Make it the same size as your small wood plaque. You can print this in color and add any images you want.)
5. Cut the print out to the size of your plaque.
6. Attach the print out to the plaque with glue.
7. Position your two Christmas characters on either side of your base and attach with hot glue.
(Make sure they are spaced far-enough apart to hold the little sign and also to reveal the countdown numbers. But, also make sure they are close-enough to look like they are the little sign. You may have to play with the seating until you find the perfect distance apart.)
8. Position each of the character's inner hand on one side of the sign, each holding one side. Hot glue the hands into place.)
9. Using self-adhesive vinyl numbers, add the following numbers to one cube: 0,1,2,3
(This will be the first block. You only need 0-3 on this block since there will never be more than 3 in the first position.)
10. Add the following numbers to two more cubes: 0,1,2,3,4,5
11. Add the following numbers to the final two cubes: 6,7,8,9
12. Arrange the 3 cubes so that the number of days remaining until Christmas is displayed. Set the other cubes aside
(But keep them nearby as you will need to change them daily as Christmas draws closer!)
13. Find a good spot and start counting!

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