
Christmas Cookie Skin Care

Kym Douglas is helping you take care of your skin in the winter months with these delicious DIYs.

Materials for Chocolate Chip Cookie Lip Balm

  • Lip Balm Container
  • 4 Tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Nutella
  • 15 drops Vanilla Essential Oils or 1 tsp Pudding Powder
  • 2 tbs Beeswax
  • Yellow Food Coloring

Materials for Sugar Cookie Hand Sanitizer

  • 1 Cup Aloe Vera Gel
  • 1 tbsp Witch Hazel
  • 30 drops Tea Tree Oil
  • ½ teaspoon Vitamin E Oil (moisturizes and Nourishes hands)
  • 20 drops Sugar Cookie Essential Oil

Directions for Lip Balm

1. Place two heat safe bowls into a pan of water to create a double broiler
2. Add 2 tbsp of coconut oil and 1 tbsp of beeswax into each bowl and let melt
3. In one bowl add 1 tbs of nutella stir and let melt into a liquid
4. In other bowl, add 15 drops Vanilla Essential Oils or 1 tsp Pudding Powder and a couple drops of yellow food coloring (optional). Let melt into a liquid.
5. Once nutella balm is melted pour into a container and place in freezer until it's a solid. In the meantime, keep the vanilla balm in double boiler on low heat to keep it from hardening.
6. Remove nutella balm from freezer and cut into small pieces. Use a toothpick to place chunks of nutella balm into container so that they look like chocolate chips.
7. Pour vanilla balm into container with chocolate chips. Immediately place in freezer for 5 mins or until hardened.

Directions for Hand Sanitizer

1. Add all ingredients (besides the Sugar Cookie Essential oil) in a bowl and mix together
2. Mix in Essential Oil
3. Place in container

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