
At Home With Our Family - Paige’s Decoupage Napkin Pots

Paige Hemmis turns a flower pot into an heirloom using napkins and decoupage.


  • Terra cotta pots (any size)
  • White acrylic paint
  • Sponge brush
  • Fabric scissors


  • Ribbon
At Home With Our Family - Decoupage Napkin Pots - Home & Family

I have gorgeous cloth/silk napkins from my grandma that I absolutely love, and absolutely never use. I remember using them once for a dinner party, and I was so worried that they would get damaged that I never used them again. I still want to use these beautiful napkins, but instead of keeping them in the drawer for that “one day” that I’ll use them again, I’m deciding to take one of them and use it to make a flowerpot look beautiful. This way I will get to see them every day, and I will be reminded of my grandmother! You can also use this same idea with a handkerchief or an item of clothing…anything you have that reminds you of a loved one will work!


1. Paint the pot the background color of your napkin. Since mine was white, I painted my terra cotta pots white. Set aside to dry.

2. Taking a pair of fabric scissors, cut the napkin in any way you see fit. I love the flowers and the hummingbird on mine, so I will focus on that for my potted plant.

3. Once you have everything cut out, dry fit them on the pot until you like the layout.

4. Take your sponge brush and dip it into the mod podge and apply it to the pot. (You will want one layer on the pot and one layer over the fabric.)

5. Add the fabric to the pot and mod podge over the fabric to lock it into place.

6. Set aside to dry.

7. Add a plant…or if you are like me and only have fake plants in the house, you are done! Set it out to enjoy every day!

NOTE: If you don’t want to cut up your heirloom napkins, you can take the entire napkin and wrap it around a plant and secure with a ribbon. That way, you will see it every day and will not have damaged the napkin. Up to you!

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