
Andy and Danielle Mayoras - Tips on Buying Your First Home

Important information you should know when buying your first home.

  • As a first time home buyer, what is the most important thing to consider? - Don’t Let Your Emotions Carry You Away
  • How do I know if I can buy a home and not be 'house poor'? - Work with a Mortgage Broker Before You Start the Buying Process - Plan For the Unexpected
  • What is the legal process for buying a house? - Everything Should Be In Writing - When Offer is Accepted It Becomes a Purchase Agreement
  • What do buyers need to know about preparing the offer? - Make Sure Nothing is Left Out
  • Is there anything in particular you should look for when you check over the purchase offer? - Inspection Clause is Critical
  • Why is titling the house important? - Titling Is The Legal Way You Own The House
  • What are some of different ways you can title the house? - tenants in common - tenants with survivorship rights - in a trust
  • Why is this so important to worry about now? Why not down the road? - Decide on Titling Before Closing

Get more estate planning information from Andy and Danielle Mayoras at and on twitter at @TrialAndHeirs.

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