
Homemade Christmas Tree Crafts

DIY Cone Christmas Trees
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DIY Cone Christmas Trees
DIY Cone Christmas Trees
Home Decor
Seasonal Event:


  • Styrofoam cones
  • Metallic or iridescent craft paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Chunky glitter in metallic or iridescent colors
  • Gloss mod podge
  • Led fairy string lights
  • X-acto knife
  • Marker
  • Craft wood stars
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks


  • Flatback gems


  1. Paint the cones by buffing the paint in with a paintbrush. This may take several coats because the foam will absorb some paint.
  2. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle the glitter on. Allow the paint to dry.
  3. Once dry, seal with mod podge using a paintbrush. Allow to dry.
  4. On the bottom of the cone, trace the battery pack with a marker and cut out a nook for the pack to rest in with an x-acto knife.
  5. Wrap the cone with lights securing with a dab of hot glue every few inches from the bottom downward.
  6. Hide the battery pack in the nook you cut out. Secure with hot glue, but make sure to position so that the on-off switch and battery slot is accessible from the bottom.
  7. If desired, add gems as ornaments. Dab a bit of hot glue in place and set gem on top. Repeat until you’ve decorated the tree as desired.
  8. To add the wooden star topper, cut a popsicle stick into thirds and glue one piece to the back of the wooden craft star.
  9. Shove the popsicle stick into the top of the foam of your cone tree to top.
  10. Place into décor, decorate around as desired and enjoy!

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DIY Kitchen Christmas Tree
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DIY Kitchen Christmas Tree
DIY Kitchen Christmas Tree
Home Decor


  • Small artificial Christmas tree
  • Colander
  • Kid’s cooking tools playset
  • Ribbon
  • Kitchen towel
  • Styrofoam ball slightly smaller than the diameter of the colander
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Small hand saw
  • Floral wire
  • Wire snips


  • Paint in desired color
  • Paintbrushes


  1. The first, cut a third of a Styrofoam ball off using a small hand saw. You want the ball to be big enough that it sits snugly in your colander.
  2. Then use hot glue to attach the cut side of the ball into the colander and let it set.
  3. Once you have your Styrofoam in the colander, add your tree. Don’t attach the stand to the tree. Push the “trunk” into the Styrofoam to create a pilot hole, remove the tree, fill the hole with some hot glue and then reinsert the tree. PRO TIP: You want a tree that is proportional to the size of the colander, so it doesn’t feel too big or too small, 4’ works with a full-size colander.
  4. Paint wooden utensils if desired. Allow them to dry.
  5. Tie decorative ribbon around the tools in a bow at the top where they will hang from.
  6. Add floral wire to the tools so you can hang them on the tree.
  7. Hang the tools on the tree by wrapping the wire around the branches to secure them in place.
  8. Use ribbon as garland if desired.
  9. Add a matching kitchen towel around the bottom of the tree as a skirt to cover the Styrofoam and enjoy!

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Christmas Tree Trimming Tips
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Christmas Tree Trimming Tips
Christmas Tree Trimming
Christmas Decor
Seasonal Event:


  • Pruners (different sizes for large branches and small for finetuning)
  • Garden shears for overall shaping of tree
  • Twine if it is helpful to visualize the tiers you want to create
  • Floral wire and pipe cleaners to connect branches together where there may be a gap or to reinforce a stem that is weak
  • Lazy Susan for tabletop trees or strong plant dolly for large trees for spinning around


  • Always start from the top.
  • Cut off any stems that are competing with your main central leader trunk- this is where the star goes.
  • Using gardening shears, remove any stems that protrude from the clean pyramid shape
  • Before cutting and creating a tier, carefully examine the tree and make sure the tier you want to create has even branches around the tree
  • You can pre-plan your design before cutting by marking the tiers with twine as a guideline or not.
  • Work slowly and carefully and trim stems that are sticking up or down from the tier you are shaping. Review from all sides before going on to the next tier
  • Check the next tier from all sides to make sure it has even stemmed all around with no gaps and create a new tier.
  • Repeat as you move down the tree.
  • Take your time and step back to get a good look at tree from every angle before moving down
  • If you cut too much and leave a gap, use your floral wire to connect stems on a tier and close the gap. You can also use a green pipe cleaner to wrap around a weak stem that is needed to shape the tier.

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DIY Pine Cone Trees
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DIY Pine Cone Trees
DIY Pine Cone Trees
Home Decor
Seasonal Event:

DIY Pine Cone Christmas Trees - Home & Family


  • Pinecones
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Faux berries, small jingle bells or pom poms
  • Wooden rounds
  • Mason jars
  • Mod podge and fake snow or snow-tex
  • Small wooden stars


  1. If you want to use pinecones from outside, look for ones with a flat bottom so they are easier to attach. Bake them in the oven at 200 degrees on a lined baking sheet for about an hour or so to get rid of any pests. Watch them so they don’t burn.
  2. Adhere chosen adornments to the pinecones with hot glue. If using faux berries, clip off the berries from the stems using wire cutters.
  3. Attach the pinecone to the base, either the wooden round or jar lid with hot glue. To create a snowy scene, glue multiple pinecones onto the base.
  4. Add snow to the trees and base if desired. Use a paintbrush to apply mod podge to the edges of the pinecone and anywhere around the base that you want to be “snowy” then pour the fake snow over the pinecone and base wherever there is mod podge. Allow the mod podge to dry completely and shake off any additional snow that didn’t stick. PRO TIP: You can also use snow-tex, just paint it on directly with an artist brush. Allow to dry according to directions.
  5. Top the tree with a small wooden star using hot glue, place in décor and enjoy!

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DIY Dala Horse Tree Skirt
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DIY Dala Horse Tree Skirt
DIY Dala Horse Tree Skirt
Christmas Decor
Seasonal Event:


  • Felt in red or desired color for horse
  • Hard felt in white or desired color for saddle
  • Existing tree skirt
  • Buttons
  • Beads
  • Needle and thread
  • Marker
  • Template (download here)
  • Fabri-tac
  • Craft glue
  • Fabric scissors
  • Paper scissors
  • Optional:
    • Decorative rope


  1. Print provided template and use paper scissors to cut out. (Download template here.)
  2. Trace and out as many of the pieces in felt with fabric scissors as you will need to make the desired amount of horses.
  3. Hand sew the beads onto the saddle seat piece cut out of white felt.
  4. Use fabri-tac to attach the saddle seat to the saddle.
  5. Glue the bridal onto the face and mane onto the back of the neck of the horse using fabric glue.
  6. Add some buttons onto the saddle straps using craft glue.
  7. Attach the horses to the tree skirt spaced evenly along the curved outer edge. Use fabric glue to attach.
  8. If desired, add decorative rope along the edge of the tree skirt with fabric glue.
  9. Allow the glue to dry, place around the tree and enjoy!

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Crafty Lumberjacks - DIY Yarn Embellished Cardboard Trees
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Crafty Lumberjacks - DIY Yarn Embellished Cardboard Trees
DIY Yarn Embellished Cardboard Trees
Christmas Decor
Seasonal Event:


  • Scrap cardboard or cardboard boxes
  • Yarn
  • Yarn needle
  • Awl or thick nail
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • X-acto knife
  • Cutting mat
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks


  1. If using boxes, cut them down to get flat pieces of cardboard with an x-acto knife on a cutting mat.
  2. Draw out the desired shape of tree onto the cardboard and a small right triangle to serve as the standing support for the tree. Use a ruler to create straight lines. PRO TIP: If you’re not comfortable free handing, print a photo off the internet to cut out and use as a template.
  3. Cut the tree and triangle support out with an x-acto knife on a cutting mat.
  4. Mark out where you want to poke holes to thread yarn through. The two that are mandatory to create the vertical stitch are near the top point of the tree and on the trunk near the bottom in the center to create the vertical line. The placement of the holes for the stitch designs are up to you!
  5. Poke through the cardboard where you’ve marked with an awl or large nail. Make sure it is sharp and not too blunt.
  6. Thread the desired color of yarn into your yarn needle, tie a knot at the end so it catches on the back of the tree and stitch through the poked holes in the tree. Knot in the back at the end of each finished stitch to secure.
  7. Glue the right triangle support onto the back of the trunk so the tree will stand.
  8. Repeat steps 1-7 to create as many trees in as many patterns and sizes as desired.
  9. Arrange in your décor and enjoy!

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Tulle Trees
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Tulle Trees
DIY Tulle Trees
Home Decor
Seasonal Event:


  • Wide tulle ribbon
  • ½” wooden dowel
  • Wooden round craft plaque
  • Wooden craft star


  1. First you need to create the base, place the dowel in the center of the round plaque and use hot glue to secure it. Hold it until it sets.
  2. Determine the length of ribbon you need by holding some up ribbon to the base and deciding how wide you want it to be, you’ll lose about 1” when you tie it on.
  3. Cut a bunch of strips of tulle.
  4. Tie the tulle strips around the dowel in a spiral so it’s covered all the way around.
  5. About halfway up, start cutting the tulle strips 2” shorter and continue tying them on.
  6. Once you’ve tied all the tulle on trim the tree with scissors.
  7. Glue the wooden star on the top of the tree and enjoy!

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Christmas Tree Gallery Wall
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Christmas Tree Gallery Wall
Christmas Tree Gallery Wall
Home Decor, Storage
Seasonal Event:


  • 1” x 4” reclaimed wood cut at 37-degree angles to:
    • 36” length for the bottom tier
    • 30” length for the bottom tier
    • 29 ½” length for the second tier
    • 23 ½” length for the second tier
    • 22 ½” length for the third tier
    • 16 ¾” length for the third tier
    • 16” length for the fourth tier
    • 10” length for the fourth tier
    • 9 ½” length for the top tier
    • 5 ¼” length for the top tier
  • 1” x 4” straight cut to:
    • 46” length for the vertical support
    • 6” length for the trunk
    • Desired length for shelves
  • Circular saw
  • Nail gun with ¾” brad nails or drill with ¾” screws
  • Wooden star or jigsaw and star template to cut your own
  • Angle finder
  • Pencil
  • Tape measure
  • Desired hanging hardware
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Optional:
    • Sanding block


  1. Cut the wood to size. The vertical support, shelves and trunk are straight cuts. For the tiers, use an angle finder to create a line from the length measurement inward on each side that is angled at 37-degrees, mark and cut. Cut some straight pieces to desired size for the shelves.
  2. If you are cutting your own star, do so now. Trace a star template onto the wood and use a jigsaw to cut out.
  3. Sand any rough edges lightly.
  4. Place the trunk then the two pieces of each tier together in order from the bottom tier upward face down on your workspace then place the vertical support on top.
  5. Space the tiers using the shelves, wedge them in between each tier to make sure they will fit snugly.
  6. Attach the tiers and trunk to the vertical support by screwing or nailing through the back of it in multiple places on each piece.
  7. Flip the tree over and hot glue the star to the top. PRO TIP: you can screw or nail in place if desired as well.
  8. Hang as desired, insert the shelves, decorate and enjoy!

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Check out a variety of tree decor you can craft for your home! Vintage ornament wall decor, tulle trees, book page trees, or drip Christmas tree art.

DIY Charlie Brown Christmas Tree
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DIY Charlie Brown Christmas Tree
DIY Charlie Brown Christmas Tree
Christmas Decor
Seasonal Event:

Share More Merry: DIY Charlie Brown Christmas Tree - Home & Family


  • Faux evergreen sprigs
  • ¼” wooden dowel cut to about 12” tall
  • Masking tape
  • Floral tape
  • Wire snips
  • Red ornament
  • Ornament hook
  • Blue felt
  • Fabric scissors
  • Drill with ¼” bit
  • 4” x 6” wooden craft rectangles x2
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Optional if you don’t want to use floral tape:
    • Brown craft paint
    • Paintbrush


  • Print of quote graphic provided here
  • Scissors
  • Colorful cardstock in a deep green
  • Glue stick
  • ¼” wooden dowel
  • Craft plaque
  • Drill with ¼” bit
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks


  1. Clip some small sprigs of evergreen off and tape them onto the dowel with masking tape.
  2. Shape the tree to be a bit droopy and curved to one side.
  3. Cover the masking tape with floral tape or brown paint. If painting, set it aside to dry after.
  4. Drill a hole through the center of each piece of craft wood, line up the holes and secure them together with hot glue.
  5. Place the trunk of the tree into the hole of the stand and glue in place.
  6. Cut a swatch of blue felt for Linus’s blanket and wrap it around the base loosely.
  7. Place the red ornament on the top branch of the tree.


  1. Print the provided graphic here and trim it down to desired size.
  2. Cut a piece of the cardstock about 1” larger than the quote on all sides.
  3. Adhere the quote to the cardstock with a glue stick.
  4. Roll the paper to create the whimsical wave.
  5. Glue the paper to the dowel with hot glue.
  6. Drill a hole in the center of the craft plaque, add a drop of hot glue then place the dowel in.
  7. Add to your décor and enjoy!

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DIY Drum Christmas Tree Collar
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DIY Drum Christmas Tree Collar
DIY Drum Christmas Tree Collar
Christmas Decor
Seasonal Event:


  • Drum lampshade
  • Small wooden knobs
  • Red paint
  • Black paint
  • Gold paint
  • Gold cording
  • Masking tape
  • E6000 or super glue
  • Chalk
  • Optional:
    • Soft tape measure
    • Paintbrush if using brush- on acrylic paint
    • Fabri-tac


  1. Paint the lampshade a base color of red or other desired color. Set aside to dry.
  2. Paint the knobs gold. Set aside to dry.
  3. Create the black border on the top and bottom of the drum. Use masking tape to tape off the borer about 2” from the bottom and top edges. Paint black and allow to dry. PRO TIP: When painting the border, you will have more control with brush on paint, the overspray from spray paint may get on the red base area if you’re not careful.
  4. Space out and mark the placement of the knobs with chalk. You can use a soft tape measure to space or just your hand!
  5. Adhere the knobs in place. Use e6000 or super glue. Allow the glue to set according to the directions. PRO TIP: If you want to skip the knobs you can just glue the cording directly onto the lampshade with fabric glue.
  6. Add the gold cording. Knot the end of the cording around a knob, wrap the cording around the knob diagonal from the first tie off. Wrap around so that it crosses over itself and continue to wrap around each knob diagonal from the last until you’ve gone all the way around. Cut the cording and tie off. PRO TIP: The side with the tie offs is the backside, so you don’t see where you’ve knotted.
  7. Place it, set your tree into the collar and enjoy!

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Shirley Bovshow's Pressed Flower Christmas Tree
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Shirley Bovshow's Pressed Flower Christmas Tree
Pressed Flower Christmas Tree
Gardening, Christmas Craft, Gifts
Seasonal Event:
Shirley was inspired to create a pressed flower Christmas tree while walking her dogs! She observed the many trees that have leaves shaped like a Christmas tree! This is a fun project that can be as simple or detailed as you like! Create an "everlasting, flat Christmas tree that you can display on a table, put in a glass frame, or hang on the wall for many years to come. Inspiration can come from many places and occasions, so keep your eyes open!


  • Dried and pressed leaves and flowers (Shirley used the Micro Fleur microwave flower press) but you can use a traditional flower press or place your flowers and leaves in a large phone book topped with a heavy brick or two for a couple of weeks. Pressed flowers are available online.
  • Spray adhesive or crafting glue
  • Mod Podge- matte or satin
  • Tweezers
  • X-acto blade
  • Clear, transparent sheet or "Clear -Lay Film 0.007" from the crafting store or online. Other options include card stock or pretty, homemade paper.



  • Select tree leaves with a pyramid or Christmas tree shape. Shirley used Norfolk Pine leaves and Jacaranda tree leaves for pressing.
  • Select small or miniature flowers that when pressed, look like tiny ornaments. Suggestions include wax flower, baby's breath, small daisies, violets, and pansies. You can also press larger, thin-petaled flowers like colorful bougainvillea which Shirley made into tiny ornaments by using a hole punch!


  • Dry your leaves and flowers (or buy pressed flowers online). If your leaf or flowers have a thick stem, use a X-acto blade to make fine cuts along the center of the stem. This will allow the leaf stem to become flat and dry faster.
  • If your leaves are too large to fit into your flower press, don't be afraid to cut the leaf into sections and dry them separately.
  • Use spray adhesive to glue your pressed "Christmas tree leaf" onto a clear transparent sheet or card stock.
  • Decorate your tree with beautiful pressed flowers. Be creative and make a "garland" by gluing flowers in a garland pattern. You will need crafting glue or Mod podge, tweezers, and a X-acto blade.
  • Use matte or satin Mod Podge to "seal" and preserve your Christmas tree project. Don't apply it overly-thick.


You can display your pressed Christmas tree in any way that your heart desires. Shirley displayed her tree on a round, wood-slatted board and added an LED candle behind it to light it up! Hang your pressed Christmas tree with a satin or silk ribbon or display it in a glass frame.

Have fun and take your time creating your work of art!

For more of Shirley, visit her blog at

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DIY Upholstered Christmas Trees
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DIY Upholstered Christmas Trees
DIY Upholstered Christmas Trees
Decor, Holiday Decor
Seasonal Event:
Christmas, Seasonal


  • Foam core
  • X-acto knife
  • Fabric
  • Spray glue
  • Hot glue
  • Upholstery tacks


  1. Create an edge pattern that you like. IT can be a straight edge of zig zag edge
  2. Cut out & you’ll use that to cut out your pieces onto foam core
  3. Trace your pattern onto your foam core & cut out with an x-acto knife. Do 4 of these cut outs
  4. Then measure the width of your foam core & double that to make your slits. Make slits at the top of 2 of your pieces, and then slits on the bottom of 2 of your pieces
  5. To attach the fabric -spray glue your foam core & then place it on your fabric
  6. Using scissors cut around tthe cut our leaving about 1 inch - 2 inches of excess fabric
  7. Fold the fabric to the backside of your foam core & secure down with hot glue
  8. Slide your pieces together
  9. Add upholstery tacks down along the side if you prefer
Drip Christmas Tree Art
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Drip Christmas Tree Art
Drip Christmas Tree Art
Home Decor
Seasonal Event:


  • Canvases
  • Acrylic paint in various colors
  • Spray paint in background color
  • Thin paint brushes
  • Chalk
  • Small bowls or cups to mix paint in
  • Optional: Copper wire lights
  • Optional: Awl
  • Optional: Duct or gaff tape


  1. Spray paint your canvases in desired background color. Allow to dry. *make sure to paint the edges as well so it looks clean from all sides. *
  2. Draw your tree shape on with chalk.
  3. Mix some water into your darkest color to make a wash.
  4. Begin dripping your paint in within the lines of your tree shape. Hold your paint brush and cup of paint over the tree shape so you don’t drip all over the canvas. Allow to dry a bit. *a few extra drips outside the lines won’t hurt. *
  5. Mix the dark wash into your lighter color to make a mid-tone. Drip on as much as desired. Allow to drip a bit.
  6. Drip on your lightest color.
  7. Drip on any accent colors you want to use as ornaments or details.


  1. Once all the paint is dry, take your awl and poke holes where you want the lights to be.
  2. Take your copper lights and fold the at light is and stick it through. Secure each light in place with tape as you go.
  3. Tape the control box in the back of the canvas.
  4. Turn the lights on.
  5. Wipe away any leftover chalk.
  6. Hang and enjoy!

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