Friday, May 26th, 2017
Curried Shrimp
Chef Mark Peel is in the kitchen preparing curried shrimp and gives you some pointers on how to save some time while making it. Ideas include having all your ingredients prepped beforehand. With this dish, you have to work fast and make sure you do not overcook the shrimp.
Get the Recipe to the Curried Shrimp >>
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DIY Succulent Jewelry
Shirley Bovshow and Orly Shani are teaming up to bring you succulent jewelry. You can find the platforms you will be using on Amazon or at your local craft store. The best part about this DIY is that it won’t cost you over $20.
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Summer Beach Must-Haves
Kym Douglas is bringing you a whole new list of summer-must haves that you will want to check out!
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Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty
The creator of Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty, Aaron Muderick talks about his invention and his passion for putty. Aaron describes the variety of putties he sells. He also describes the process of hiring 800 intellectually and physically disabled staff members to help him create the putty.
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DIY Natural Solution for Breakouts
Sophie Uliano addresses those pesky breakouts and how you can help control them. This includes making her own blemish solution containing zinc oxide, witch hazel, tea tree oil and salicylic acid that you can make at home.
Get the Instructions to the Solution >>
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Grilled Peaches Two Ways
Debbie is in the kitchen preparing the perfect summertime desserts using peaches. Today she is grilling up the peaches using Nexgrill that you can find at your local Home Depot. She also uses a Nexgrill Shish Kebab Set to get them grill them evenly.