Being a responsible pet parent is so much more than just taking your cat or dog to the vet once a year. Petco is revolutionizing pet health. Larissa shares how we can take a 360 approach with the help of Petco’s Whole Health plan for our pets.
There are five key areas of health:
- Physical Health
- Mental Health
- Social Health
- Accessible Health
- Home Health
These pillars are key to the plan.
Create a diet for pets with the best quality food in the right amount.
Make sure to build in exercise and playtime.
Maintain preventative care by going to Petco to help fill prescriptions or find over the counter medicines to help prevent and cure issues such as fleas. Grooming on a regular basis also helps.
- K9 Advantix,
Mental health is also essential for animals. It is super easy to address with enriching activities and toys that keep them stimulated.
- Leaps & Bounds Feathered Fish Cat Toy, 4.99,
Positive reinforcement or simple training is a great way to bond. You can find yummy treats to use as rewards at Petco has many options. Remember only 10% of your pet’s diet should come from treats.
- Better Belly Chicken Liver Rawhide Rolls,
Socializing with your pet from an early age is important. As a rescuer Larissa has seen firsthand many animals returned to shelters. A way to prevent that is to start socialization at a young age. Go to doggy daycare, hikes or take Petco training classes.
- Youly the Adventurer Dog Backpack Harness, $29.99,
Create a home where your animal feels cozy and welcome. A simple way to create a safe space is to set cup an area for feeding. Cleaning the items your pets use on a regular basis also helps.
For more information on Petco’s Whole Health visit