
Michael Somerville
Standup comedian and relationship guru, Michael Somerville is on the show today. For three years Michael was the man behind "Ask Jake" at "Glamour Magazine," dishing out relationship advice for couples around the country. Today, Michael answers love and relationship questions from our Home & Family viewers. Plus, Michael gives us a look at his hilarious standup routine!

Get more from Michael Somerville here: You can also follow him on twitter at @M_Somerville.

Kimberley Locke
Season 2 "American Idol" alum Kimberley Locke joins our family today! It was 10 years ago that Kimberley wowed audiences with her soulful voice and graceful style. Today, Kimberley talks to Mark and Cristina about her experience on "Idol," including her infamous dust up with Simon Cowell! And later, Kimberley is joined by Dr. Ian Smith to talk about her weight loss experience on "Celebrity Fit Club." Kimberley offers some great advice on losing pounds and maintaining weight loss and a healthy diet. And we could not let Kimberley leave without singing for us! Today, Kimberley is going to blow you away, singing her #1 hit "8th World Wonder."

>"> WATCH Kimberley Locke sing her #1 Hit, "8th World Wonder">>

Check out "Cooking with Kimberley" and more fantastic music from Kimberley Locke at:

Moll Anderson
Bringing the heat into the kitchen is lifestyle and romance expert, Moll Anderson. Moll is stepping up her game for Valentine's Day, making a spicy Valentine's Day dinner! Moll’s hot & flirty pasta has lots of heat from the Serrano and Habanero chilies. Plus, Moll has some quick and easy decorating tips to help you put the finishing touches on your romantic dinner.

Relationship Expert Candace McKenzie
Relationship expert Candace McKenzie joins today's conversation, discussing moving a relationship forward in a positive and healthy manner. Candice talks about the excitement of a new relationship, but also stresses the importance of getting to know yourself and your potential partner before taking more serious steps. Candace helps us all make sure we take a deep breath and ensure that we take the right steps to finding true happiness in our relationships.

Get more relationship advice from Candace at:

Hot Flash Sales
While not in time to save your Valentine's Day, Sandie Newton is back with this week's Hot Flash Sale Items. If you didn't get what you wanted for the big day, Sandie has a great collection of jewelry at 69% off! Plus, helping you keep your weight loss goals, we have a colorful collection of kitchen scales. And, if you're going for a new look in your home, we've also got a great collection of ottomans at over 70% off! Plus, this week we are working with Molly's Mutts and Meows to help find a home for an adorable pair of kittens!

Get all of this week's Hot Flash Sale items here:

Check out this week's adorable pet rescue here:

Mark's Change Your Life Series
The Aiani sisters, Katie and Kristy, are back! It's been a few weeks since we last talked to the sisters and today they are catching us up on their new diet and boot camp workout routine. And later, Katie and Kristy are joined by therapist Dr. Edward Giaquinto to discuss how the sisters can work to improve their emotional and mental health.

Learn more about Dr. Giaquinto at:

Cristina Cooks
In celebration of Valentine's Day, Cristina has a truly romantic recipe to share today! Using edible flowers, Cristina is going to show you how to make an edible salad bouquet! Cristina's edible bouquet is the epitome of health and you can incorporate whatever fruits or vegetables you like. One word of caution; all flowers are not edible! You can find a great selection of edible flowers at specialty food stores, like Whole Foods, or at your local farmer's market. If you're not sure what flowers are safe to eat, you can always ask your local grocer.

Get more great recipes from Cristina at: