Baking Your Surprise Cakes:
It’s so simple. Pour your cake batter into the baking pan, wrap whatever you want placed inside of your cake in tin foil, place it inside of the batter, and then bake it as usual. The object you place in the cake is perfectly protected by the tin foil.
The Money Cake:
Wrap any number of denominations in the tinfoil. Guests can get $1.00, $10.00, even $100, if you want. These are great for birthday parties, graduations, bridal showers, etc… Instead of putting money in a card, you bake it in the cake!
The Fortune Cake:
This one is a Fortune Cake! Just like the fortune cookie, each slice has a fortune wrapped in the tinfoil.
The Game Cake:
It’s a wonderful game to play at any occasion. The game is meant to be an icebreaker as well as entertainment. The rules of the game are simple. Guests need to be told to keep an eye out for their tinfoil packet. When they find it, they will unwrap a piece of paper. A silly command will be written on it. Whatever is written on that piece of paper they have to do. Remember: guests MUST perform whatever is written on the paper. And don’t worry about taking turns. As soon as guests find their surprise, jump up and perform!
Ready… Set… Go!
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