
Ken Wingard's Bread Cornucopias

Ken Wingard's Bread Cornucopias


  • Pre-Packaged Breadstick Dough (we could do it with homemade dough instead, please let me know what you think is in better keeping with the H&F brand)
  • Tinfoil
  • Non-Stick Cooking Spray
  • 2 Eggs


  1. Pre-Heat Oven To 350°.
  2. Take a 20" length of tinfoil and form it into a solid cone shape aprox 6" long with an opening of 2 ½".
  3. Wrap with a second piece of tinfoil so you have a smooth exterior.
  4. Make 4 of these.
  5. Spray with non-stick cooking spray.
  6. Open dough and separate in ¼ strips, place two strips on the side for use later.
  7. Lay half the remaining strips horizontally and basket weave the other half vertically through them.
  8. Lay tinfoil cone on basket weave and wrap basket weave around cone.
  9. Cut away extra and join ends and point by pressing together with wet fingers.
  10. Gently curve pointed in and place on baking sheet.
  11. Take the two pieces of reserved dough and twist together.
  12. Wrap these two pieces around opening, covering raw edge of basket weave. Cut off extra.
  13. Repeat with remaining 3 tinfoil forms.
  14. Beat eggs and brush on cornucopias.
  15. Use any remaining dough to cut out leaves.
  16. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes.
  17. Arrange on a salad plate in a bed of greens with salad ingredients spilling out of opening.
Ken Wingard's Individual Bread Cornucopias

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