- 1 Orange
- 1 Lemon
- 1 Cucumber
- 1/2 tablespoon Honey
- 1/4 teaspoon Sea Salt
- 1 quart Water
1. Add 1/2 an orange (or lemon) in slices to a jar, squeezing them as they go in.
2. Add 1/4-teaspoon sea salt.
3. Add 1/2-tablespoon raw honey.
4. Top the quart jar up with water and shake it until everything is dissolved.
5. Optional: Add powdered supplement. You can find calcium-magnesium powders, potassium-magnesium powders, etc. at your vitamin store
6. Alt: Use a cucumber - Cut it up and press it through a juicer the same way you would squeeze an orange and just toss the pulp into the jar alongside the juice.
Refueling After a Workout - Home & Family
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