Paige & Jason's Wedding

Living Luminaries - Paige & Jason's Wedding

A perfect DIY for Paige's wedding.


  • Galvanized bucket
  • Hurricane lantern
  • Porch/table leg
  • Terra cotta saucer
  • Redwood brick
  • Screw washers
  • Wood glue
  • Glass glue
  • Sharpie


  1. Use Sharpie to outline redwood brick on bottom of bucket. 
  2. Apply wood glue to bottom of porch leg and glue to redwood brick
  3. Use drill and screw two screws into table leg to hold in place 
  4. Drill brick and leg into bucket
  5. Drill screw into the center of terra cotta saucer and then screw into the top of the table le
  6. Apply wood glue to the bottom of the hurricane lantern and then firmly place it on to terra cotta saucer
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