Susan Gallagher, renowned for her roles in Netflix’s "Cobra Kai," and Marvel’s "Loki," is gearing up to enchant audiences once again in Hallmark's upcoming film "A Taste of Love.” Portraying the loving mother of a determined chef who is returning to her hometown and rekindling romance with her childhood sweetheart, Gallagher brings her trademark charisma to the screen in this incredible project. This follows her recent appearances in “Merry Good Enough” and “Fast Charlie,” showcasing her versatility across genres.
In addition to her memorable performances in "Cobra Kai" as the much beloved character with a dedicated cult following, Homeless Lynn, and her bad ass scene stealing performances alongside Tom Hiddleston in "Loki," Gallagher has also left her mark on the silver screen with roles in films like the Sundance Film Festival Award-Winning, Beast Beast, and moving film, I'll Be Here for A While.
Her work on the small screen with roles in television classics such as “NCIS: New Orleans” has brilliantly captured her passion and skill for her craft. Other career highlights also include producing endeavors through her company, Her Little Red Productions, aimed at championing female talent in the film industry. Beyond her professional endeavors, Gallagher is grounded in her family life, having been married to Jimbo Jahna since 1987 and cherishing their two children, Caroline and Bo, grandson Gallagher (with two more on the way!), along with their beloved rescue dogs, Lily and Misha who she inherited following the passing of her cherished acting coach.
Gallagher's journey from her upbringing around the arts, including her mother's influence as a renowned jazz musician, ignited her passion for acting, which she continued to do part time as she raised her family. Her now full-time return to acting underscores her resilience and dedication to her craft. With each role, she continues to captivate audiences and make a lasting impact on the entertainment industry.