Hallmark Channel’s family reality series, “Meet the Peetes” will return in 2019!
“Viewers have welcomed the Peete family into their homes and have fallen in love with their heartfelt and touching narratives that families everywhere can relate to,” said Michelle Vicary, Executive Vice President, Programming and Network Publicity, Crown Media Family Networks.
“We look forward to continue sharing the Peetes’ journey as they navigate through life united as a family,” Vicary concluded.
In “Meet the Peetes,” audiences follow Holly and Rodney’s hectic lives as they attempt to balance raising four kids, including one with autism, running their HollyRod charity and spending time with Holly’s 81-year-old mother Dolores, retired from her career as a talent manager. Their daughter Ryan is in college at New York University while RJ, their son with autism, is working for the Los Angeles Dodgers.