
When Ryan was home in Los Angeles for her 20th birthday she expressed to Holly that she has always felt that some of her life accomplishments have been overlooked because of her twin brother, RJ having Autism. Holly has decided that she needs visit Ryan in New York City and has persuaded Dolores to accompany her on this spontaneous trip. Holly’s goal is to give Ryan some much needed attention and love but this is also a great opportunity for all three generations to spend some quality time together.

Dolores wants to look for her long lost half sister, and asks Holly to help
locate her. So while the ladies are in New York City visiting Ryan, Holly sets up an
appointment with a world-renowned genealogist. Hopefully the results will lead the ladies
one step closer to finding Dolores’s long lost half sister.

Back in Los Angeles, Rodney feels with Holly away it is the perfect time to conduct Rodney’s
School of Etiquette with RJ, Robinson, and Roman. The boys have no idea what lessons are
coming their way. Hopefully they will be able to ace Rodney’s tests.

The Peete children are getting older and Holly is feeling it is time to look for a new movie mini series project to add to her credits. As luck would have it her good friend, Al Roker, wrote a novel that is getting adapted into a movie for Hallmark. So while Holly is in New York she thought it would be a great time to meet with Al and go over the details.

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