
Hallmark Channel proudly announces the inauguration of the first-ever Feline Football League (FFL), featuring the world’s most adorable, playful and adoptable kittens. The kittens will participate in season games for the chance to claw their way to the end zone in the second annual classic, “Kitten Bowl II,” premiering Su-purr Bowl Sunday, February 1, 2015.
The FFL brings adorable—and adoptable!—kittens together with celebrities and personalities from all facets of the entertainment world as the kittens compete in six weeks of FFL season games for the chance to earn a coveted spot in “Kitten Bowl II.” “Kitten Bowl II” is part of Hallmark Channel’s corporate initiative “Pet Project,” a movement dedicated to celebrating pets and the incredible joy they bring to our lives.  The FFL and “Kitten Bowl II” will significantly raise awareness of the plight of shelter animals across the country as Hallmark Channel once again partners with North Shore Animal League America and Last Hope Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation, who will provide the feline competitors with forever loving homes once the games conclude.